
August Bites

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Bites from my Facebook page…

♥ Don’t miss my Summer Harvest Class Tuesday, Aug 5, Different Drummer in Northampton. Learn more and register here. I’ll will be showing the class how to grill, fry, stew and bake summer veggies to bring out the full flavor of the season. Grilled Eggplant Sandwich with Sesame Mayonnaise; Green Zucchini Fritters with Goat Cheese and minted yogurt, Southwest Savory Fresh Corn Soup Fresh with Poblano Chilies and Fresh Tomato Salsa. Tomatoes Provençal with fresh herbs, bread and cheese; Harvest Fruit Kuchen….

♥ Read Honey Sharp in the Berkshire Edge about Gideon’s Garden here

♥ Don’t forget to make Corn Pudding with Fresh Tomato Salsa here

Savor Romano beans as I did: Big thick Romano green beans from my garden — lots of ’em, simmered for almost an hour with diced slab bacon, my tomatoes, onions and garlic. Melt in your mouth great… (more goodies below this picture.)Romano-beans-picked1

Savor the peach crop: Watch for the first of the freestone peaches to make this perfect dish. Drop into boiling water, immediately rinse and slip off the skins, section and saute very briefly with a touch of butter, sugar and your favorite fruit liquor. Light it or just tip the pan towards the flame to burn off the alcohol — careful now — then serve it over yogurt or ice cream.

Gardening anyone? Before and after. What a difference between my little community garden plot in May and July….

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