Tossed Spring Greens

Simple Spring Salad Dressings

Mixed Greens Tossed Three Ways
As a rule of thumb, 1/2 pound of any salad mix serves 4-6 people; a large handful is about 2 ounces. Mixed greens are often labeled “mesclun”.

1-My Favorite dressing
The original Italian dressing is so simple it isn’t really a recipe, but it may also be the best salad dressing there is. The only catch is that you can’t really skimp on lousy ingredients, which should be no problem if you use fresh local greens, a tasty olive oil and fresh lemon juice or your best vinegar.

Mixed greens  (a generous handful per person)
Your best olive oil
Kosher or sea salt
Fresh lemon or your best vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper, only if the mesclun isn’t peppery

1-Toss greens in olive oil and a generous pinch of kosher or sea salt just to coat.

2-Think of your salad like a dry martini. The oil is the gin. The lemon juice (or vinegar) is the vermouth, so don’t add much, just add a touch. Toss again. That’s it.

3-Taste a leaf. Adjust with extra salt if needed, but don’t add pepper unless there are no peppery greens in the mix.

2-Classic Vinaigrette in a Jar
The flavor is classic but the technique is All-American: just combine ingredients and shake. This mild salad dressing lets the mesclun shine through. The recipe makes enough vinaigrette to dress a large salad (1 to 1-1/4 pounds) for 8-10 servings. For smaller salads, add enough just to lightly coat the leaves. Always shake well before use to re-emulsify the dressing. Leftover dressing is great to keep on hand for quality salads in a flash. Or enjoy leftover dressed salad on a baguette with fresh local tomatoes. A soggy delight!

l/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
l small minced shallot (about 2 tablespoons)
l teaspoon Dijon mustard
l/4 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste

Add all the ingredients to a jar and shake vigorously. Use about a scant tablespoon per serving, or just to coat. Always shake before using.

3-Serious Garlic Dressing
This will very dress about l/2 pound of mixed greens, serving 4-6,  and is best used right after it is made. It is also tasty on bitter greens, like escarole.

4 garlic cloves, peeled and cut in half
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
l tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2-1/2 tablespoons olive oil
A drop of Worcestershire sauce, optional

l. Using a fork, very coarsely mash the garlic and the kosher salt together on a small plate. Stir in the vinegar and then the oil.  Add the Worcestershire sauce if you are using it.

2. Add the mixed greens to a salad bowl. Pour the dressing over them, using the fork to prevent the garlic from falling in.

3-Toss and serve immediately.