
May Bites

Happy Belated Mommy’s Day Mommy (more below)
Ma  happy!






My next cooking class?
Mexican cooking this Monday.
Find out more here.

mole ingredients

Listen to my chive rap here. Chives are up everywhere!


16 ways to eat your spray-free dandelions here.

Shipping container Grocery Store as Farm…
Still mostly an idea, but an extraordinary one. Check it our here.

Slow Food Youth Network
Dogfish Kale Ravioli? Watch the sports of the local food movement to highlight our fish and seafood crisis and to encourage chefs to cook eco-friendly fish before there is no more fish left. Click here to watch.

Compostable Building Made of Mushroom Bricks?
Check it out here.

Happy Belated Mother’s Day
I may have lived a life in food, but my mom taught me more about cooking than all my years behind the stove. We snapped endless green beans at the counter, chatting about food (and life) We drove to a distant town to pick out perfect peaches at the farm stand.

In the summer, as the sky darkened, I watched her through our large kitchen window, grilling salmon teriyaki and smoking summer vegetables to serve with lamb kebabs. And she pulled off an Indonesian Rijsttafel.

Before she become a ceramicist, she got out her sculptural ya-yas by assembling multi-layered ice cream cakes. I can still taste one made with thin Famous chocolate cookies, coffee ice cream, Sarah Lee pound cake and chocolate syrup. And I remember her rushing into the kitchen to bring souffles out to her guests.

Wow, could she put on a party..

What did your mom teach you about food? Below: 1954, Entertaining right after my parents had our house built. My mom often gave dinner parties for 8-12. But thing again, she didn’t work outside the home. Sigh…..

new house ardsley friends of parents